Tagged: xiaomi

Xiaomi Mi Band Pulse 0

Xiaomi Mi Band Pulse (heart rate monitor) [updated]

…Gadgets that can monitor our health (or well-being) is going to be something that will be “mainstream”. I believe that over the next 1-2 years, there will be so much of improvement in this area that most of us will end up owning some sort of gadget that can help us monitor our well-being…

Redmi Note 3 explorer program banner 0

Redmi Note 3 explorers program

Xiaomi Malaysia is currently recruiting 15 “explorers”. Those selected will get to try the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 for about three weeks. And if you manage to complete the tasks required within the three...

Xiaomi USB fan 0

Xiaomi accessories: USB Fan and LED light

Bought a few Xiaomi accessories a few months back. And loving them! The Xiaomi USB fan is really useful… During power outages… Especially at night. The fans have “saved” me several times now, during...